Meditation Tip: The point of meditation is…

Meditation is the practice of witnessing your thoughts by placing your awareness on them. Often people have very dreamy ideas of what meditation is — for example sitting in lotus pose and feeling all at peace in a state of zen. True meditation is often the opposite, as the mind never seems to cease its chatter. When you come to this realization it can at first feel depressing to know how chaotic the mind really is — this is where compassion can pour into the heart in recognizing that a chattery mind is something we are all enveloped in. No one is free from ego, and no one is free from the seemingly incessant words of the mind. It’s not something we need to try and escape, but rather become aware of. Most fail to separate themselves from that voice, and thus have voices and fragments of themselves making choices for them. Thus, increasing your awareness of your mind gives you more agency to separate yourself from those many voices and live from a more authentic and higher version of yourself. Freewill and the ability to choose is your superpower as a human being — it's the gift of being human. You have the opportunity to become the master of this power, but only if you do the work to become aware of the many thoughts, constructus, and ideas in your mind that are taking part in your decision making process.

Your meditation tip of this week is a reminder that awareness of all the thoughts that make up YOU is a practice of deep introspection and meditation. The point of meditation is not to get anywhere, feel anything, or achieve anything. Rather, it is a practice of getting to know yourself in a very deep way. It is a practice of getting to know your mind so you do not identify with it, birthing the experience of what you truly are: separate from the mind, one unified consciousness. The layers go deep my friend… infinitely so. When you meditate and become aware of your thoughts, your truest self (the I am, one with everything consciousness) emerges in the state of not action and being. 


Movement Tip: Foot Fulcrum